Any person who wants to receive free legal help from the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program must apply for assistance and meet our eligibility guidelines. If you need immediate assistance, contact our Lawyer Referral Service, the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program, or call the Legal Aid Line at 888-529-5277.Need free or lowcost legal help? Our list of legal hotlines, clinics, aid organizations, and other resources can help you find assistance. The State Bar can offer you referrals to low-cost civil legal services agencies in your area. The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program trains and supports volunteer attorneys to provide free, civil legal aid to low-income people in Dallas, TX. Click "More" to fill out the Client Referral form and receive legal assistance. This guide includes forms and instructions for when you can't afford to pay for court costs and fees in a civil case. Free civil legal assistance to low income residents of 114 Texas counties. Eligibility guidelines can be found on Legal Aid of Northwest Texas' website.