The original Complaint must be filed with the Civil Intake Section located on the 3rd floor of the Fairfax County Courthouse. A habeas corpus petition attacking a criminal conviction or sentence shall be filed within two years from the date of final judgment in the trial court.In my experience, the JDR court is a little more pro se friendly (in that there is an intake department that assists in filing petitions). That court held that habeas corpus did not lie in the matter and dismissed his petition. How can I have these cases transferred to the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court? This was not included in the original order. Fairfax, VA. Handled hundreds of cases involving criminal defense, divorce, child custody, immigration, and writs of Habeas Corpus. The word is disposition, not deposition. The U.S. Marshals Service was the first federal law enforcement agency in the United States, enforcing the federal courts. Mother was able to complete and comply with some, but not all, of the requirements.