You should use this form if. Fairfax Circuit Court offers customers the option to electronically file into new and existing Civil Law cases, and existing Criminal cases.A habeas corpus petition attacking a criminal conviction or sentence shall be filed within two years from the date of final judgment in the trial court. The present system consists of four levels of courts: the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, the circuit courts, and the district courts. Order to Vacate Writ of Habeas. Corpus Ad Testificandum. Historical Context The relationship between the state and federal governments was one of the primary concerns of the Constitution's framers. On November 27, 2013, Zemene filed a petition for writ of habeas corpus in the Circuit Court of Fairfax County against. The motion may assert that the appeal has become moot or cannot proceed for some other. Most of the work involves state or federal habeas relief, and there are usually appropriate form documents to complete.