A person held in a secure facility under this part may file a petition for habeas corpus in the circuit court for the county in which the facility is located. The clerk of the circuit court is authorized and required to charge the statutorily prescribed filing fees or service charges in habeas corpus proceedings.A writ of habeas corpus requires that a person who is in custody be brought before a judge or court and that they be able to challenge that custody. Initiate the sanity proceedings set out in section 922.07, Florida Statutes) (1985). The same holding exists under federal law. There are four requirements you must fulfill in order to get state habeas relief: (1) you must be in custody,. It tests the legality of a detention or a restraint and the goal is to use it really almost i guess it's an emergency basis. At the state level in Florida, the writ can be filed in the circuit court, the district court of appeals or even the state supreme court. In addition to these instructions, you should consult any legal resources available to you that are relevant to your case. Habeas corpus means "that you have the body," and is a writ of inquiry used to test the validity of a person's detention.