Many court forms are provided in PDF format. The free Adobe Acrobat ® Reader (link is external) may be used to view, save and print PDF forms.Your writ of habeas corpus must state the specific relief you are requesting and the reasons you are requesting it. A petition for habeas corpus must be filed with the clerk of the court in the county where the defendant is detained. A person held in a secure facility under this part may file a petition for habeas corpus in the circuit court for the county in which the facility is located. This Chapter discusses how the writ of habeas corpus is applied in three states: Florida, New York, and. Michigan. Habeas corpus can be used in civil cases in connection with child custody proceedings. Requirements of Rule 9.100 applies. At the state level in Florida, the writ can be filed in the circuit court, the district court of appeals or even the state supreme court. All other Writs of Habeas Corpus are to be given a civil case number and randomly assigned to a Circuit Civil Division Judge.