A writ of assistance is a court order to a law enforcement officer, for example, a sheriff, to enforce a prior writ or other order of the court. Civil Procedure §12-1148.10A.Expedited Bill 2122 would: (1) prohibit the possession of firearms in or near places of public assembly, with certain exemptions;. Yields in the Georgia and South Caro- lina counties were higher and losses generally less frequent than in the Texas and Oklahoma counties. To begin a review, fill out this online complaint form as completely as possible and make sure you click "Submit. " You may also call us at (404) 656-4200. Notice of writ - Filing of original - Execution of writ - Refusal to surrender possession - Assistance of law enforcement - Appeal. Up of a legal assistance division in the. Although Mr. Cochran requires some assistance with many of his ADL and IALD needs, it is largely comprised of set-up assistance, after which he is independent. July 16, 2018), the Northern District of Georgia allowed production of the entire claim file.