A writ of assistance is the legal term for a court's written instructions to an officer of the law, such as an order to evict a tenant from their home. Your landlord must wait 2 business days after the judgment is entered to complete the Writ.The Writ will become "live" or active 3 days after it is filed. This writ, which may also be called a writ of restitution or writ of possession, usually serves as an eviction from real property. This Handbook provides an overview and answers common questions about Georgia residential landlord-tenant law. You have the right to appeal the eviction based on not being probably served and paying the rent for the months claimed in the eviction paperwork. Landlords will resort to extreme tactics to scare renters our of their homes which is why it's so crucial to know your rights. The landlord cannot file for a Writ of Possession unless the judge finds in the landlord's favor at the hearing. To do that, you must fill out the last page of this form. The Governor shall issue writs of election to fill all vacancies that may occur in the Senate and in the House of Representatives.