If you need legal assistance, please contact the Volunteer Lawyers Network (VLN) at 612-752-6677 or one of the agencies listed below. We provide civil legal aid at no cost to people in poverty and to people of any income level age 60 or older or living with disabilities.The Family Law Clinic provides free legal advice to eligible low-income clients regarding family law issues. Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid or call (612) 334-5970 (Minneapolis office intake line); The Legal Rights Center (Hennepin County) or call (612) 337-0030. Central Minnesota Legal Services provides free legal help to low-income individuals and families to assist with civil legal issues. Apply for cash assistance online or in person. Eligibility guidelines for families, refugees, adults without children, seniors and people with disabilities. Good to Know: Lawyers defend lowincome adults and juveniles in all types of criminal cases heard in any Hennepin County courtroom. MidMinnesota Legal Aid gives legal help to people in poverty and to people of any income level age 60 or older or living with disabilities. Volunteer Lawyers Network.