Federal habeas corpus is a procedure under which a federal court may review the legality of an individual's incarceration. CHAP. LXXXI. -An Act relating to Habeas Corpus, and regulating Judicial Proceed- March 3, 1863.'ngs in Certain Cases. The procedure for filing a petition for a writ of habeas corpus is spelled out in the CPLR Article 70. The records of the US Circuit Court for the District of Columbia contain a series of approximately 450 habeas corpus cases dating from 1820 to 1863. To obtain a writ of habeas corpus, you must show the court that you are in custody in violation of the Constitution or laws of the United States. Law § 570.16 (McKinney 2009), which required proof that petitioner either committed a crime in the demanding state or did acts in New York which would. Latin for "that you have the body. It allows for extended detainment of prisoners without jury trials. The writ of habeas corpus is the remedy to be used when any person is restrained in his liberty.