If you need help filling out the forms or need advice on your case, you could visit a legal advice clinic or find a lawyer on your own. The court has placed the most commonly used forms on line as a resource.Please be advised that the forms detailed below are intended to be a guide. You will be required to fill out a uniform conciliation court form. If you ask, a person from the court administrator's office will help you complete the form. Many civil cases settle before trial, and defendants commonly seek confiden- tiality agreements concerning the terms of settlement. A right to counsel has been proven to help tenants win eviction cases and stay in their homes, and it can soften the blow when eviction is unavoidable. In its opinion, the court found that "affirmative action relief in the form of retrofitting or a retrofitting fund is an appropriate remedy in this case. Fill out both of the attached exemption forms in this packet. As an initial matter, the Court's Order, not counsel's argument, is binding on the parties. 27CV239758.