A writ of assistance is an order directing that a party convey, deliver, or turn over a deed, document, or right of ownership. The wages of people who receive certain types of government assistance are exempt from garnishment if the person fills out an exemption form.If you need assistance with completing an application, call 612-596-1300, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9 a.m. In 1989 the Minnesota Legislature created housing courts in. This project seeks to determine whether legal representation for tenants in the Fourth Judicial. Housing courts in Ramsey (651) 266-8230 and Hennepin (612) 348-5186 counties hear and decide cases involving landlord and tenant disputes. The phone numbers of the conciliation courts in several. Minnesota counties are located on pages 12 and 13. Emergency assistance includes resources such as short-term aid for housing, foreclosure prevention, and additional food support for special diets. The petitioner does not always have to fill out and file the petition on his own.