Attorneys explain reasons to file and litigate a "Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus" action in Tampa and Hillsborough County, FL. Habeas Corpus 1788–1790, Pennsylvania State Archives, recording the proceedings in the summer of 1788 entitled Respublica v.Negroes Sam and John. Contact an award-winning Writ of Habeas Corpus lawyer today. Gaitan filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in the Florida Supreme Court (Id. The Florida Constitution authorizes the following extraordinary writs: prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus, and certiorari. Article 1, Section 13 of the Florida Constitution provides: The writ of habeas corpus shall be grantable of right, freely and without costs. " This petition for. Our appellate attorneys can help you file a petition for writ of habeas corpus in a Florida case if the trial court abuses its discretion. Law § 570.16 (McKinney 2009), which required proof that petitioner either committed a crime in the demanding state or did acts in New York which would.