A writ of habeas corpus is a legal order that requires the custodian to bring the detained individual before a court or judge. An application for a Writ of Habeas Corpus is filed when a person seeks relief from unlawful detention or imprisonment.Non-Death Cases: The Application must seek relief from a felony judgment imposing a penalty other than death. If you are looking to file a Texas 11.07 Writ of Habeas Corpus application, post-convcition lawyer Sarah Durham is here to help. Unlike direct appeals, there is no deadline for filing a writ in the Texan state courts. To learn more about Houston writs of habeas corpus, read more here. Southern District of Texas, Houston Division). How to File Habeas Corpus and Compassionate Release David is a law school graduate and former practicing attorney. Each student will be required to write a case brief over two cases. Please note that the park tour was filmed at various times between 2022 and 2024 and lodges may have been upgraded during this time.