It's when a reasonable person no longer feels free to leave, OR the responding officer makes you the focus of their investigation. If you are determined to be the custodial parent, your home will be your children's primary home, and your ex will become the noncustodial parent.A: Yes, upon entry, all inmates are screened for both medical and mental health issues at the Inmate Processing Center (IPC). Some high profile inmates are administratively transferred to protective custody to protect them from other inmates. Out of custody means a person is not in jail. After a person is charged with a crime, arrested and booked into jail, the person may be given a court date. You are the petitionerthe person asking the court to make a custody and support order. City jail (for Houston jail only). Understanding Legal Custody: What You Need to Know - Houston Family Law Lawyer. Most custody orders include a standard possession order (SPO) that sets the schedule for each parent's time with the child.