Many resources exist for those who can't afford legal services. If you can't afford a lawyer, this doesn't mean a lawyer will not help you.All Illinois Courts must accept these forms. Scroll down below the chart for important information on how to fill out these forms. To give you the best referrals, we will ask you questions about your legal problem, your location or the location of your legal problem, and your income. The Legal Services Program (LSP) serves claimants and small employers regarding an Appeal hearing or Board of Review (Spanish) matter. Legal assistance is provided through telephone hotlines, web-based self-help materials, court-based advice desks, and walk-in clinics. CCLS Provides free legal assistance to people residing in the Roman Catholic Charities Diocese of Springfield with little to no income. Illinois Free Legal Answers is a secure website where low-income Illinoisans can ask a lawyer for help with a civil legal issue. Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms.