In your petition, clearly explain why you are being held illegally. All forms below with a "fillable icon" are documents that you can open "on-line", fill in the appropriate fields and then print on your printer.Except in matters of emergency, the following procedures are followed in proceedings for a writ of habeas corpus: (a) Petitioner with funds. The absence of counsel in post-conviction hearings stems, in the first in- stance, from the financial inability of the vast majority of prisoners to employ. By petitioning for a writ, you are asking the court to determine whether your conviction or sentence is illegal. All Illinois Courts must accept these forms. No. PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS AD TESTIFICANDUM. In this video, David offers insight on how to file habeas corpus and compassionate release motions. This Chapter explains an important right—the writ of habeas corpus. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended except in cases of rebellion or invasion when the public safety may require it.