Learn about the rights and responsibilities of non-parent custodians and how to file for non-parent custody in Ohio. This guide will discuss what the grounds for emergency custody in Ohio are, what emergency custody is, how to file for it, and what happens after filing.A petition for custody would be filed in the juvenile, family, or domestic relations Court with jurisdiction over the child, at the county level. Click on the link(s) for the forms you'd like to download. To obtain joint custody in the event of a divorce or separation, parents must present a shared parenting plan to the court that the court must approve. Fill out a "Request For Service" form, which is available at supremecourt.ohio.gov. To obtain emergency custody of a child, a parent must first file a motion for emergency custody with the clerk of court. Brochures about our Court Programs, as well as brochures about the Ohio court system and information about community resources are available below. The Clerk of Courts' staff will not help you in completing the forms. 2. Complaint for Custody – Fill in the name of the county and court division (i.e..