Older adult centers offer residents the opportunity to enjoy a healthy meal, receive support signing up for benefits, and stay physically and mentally in shape. Call 1 (855) 582-6769 to reach your Ombudsman.A plan to support opportunities for older adults and people of all ages. To reach Aging Connect, call 212-AGING-NYC (212-244-6469) or send us a message. Geriatric Social Work Services. Senior Services aids the aging residents who live in the Met Council's inclusionary housing sites throughout the five boroughs. Our eight older adult centers help seniors stay both mentally and physically active through socialization, education and healthy living. Purpose and Objectives. KCCAOC provides individuals age 60 years and older with current information and assistance for the Cal-Fresh and Medi-Cal application and renewal process. KCCAOC provides individuals age 60 years and older with current information and assistance for the Cal-Fresh and Medi-Cal application and renewal process.