A writ of assistance is an order directing that a party convey, deliver, or turn over a deed, document, or right of ownership. No information is available for this page.A writ is a directive from a higher court that orders a lower court to take action in accordance with the law. What is a "judgment for possession"? A "judgment for possession" means your landlord won a case against the you and can file a writ of restitution. This works when there is enough equity in the property to pay all the liens (including mortgage) plus the foreclosure costs and the owner isn't eligible for a. A Federal Writ of Habeas Corpus is the final avenue for review of issues that were denied in California state courts. In a mandate proceeding, the petitioner asks the superior or appellate court to direct an inferior judicial or administrative body to do something. There are a number of legal actions that can result in the court issuing a writ of possession. When a translation is complete, you assume the risk of any inaccuracies, errors or other problems encountered.