IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE YOU MAY APPLY ONLINE OR CALL (305)-579-5733 FOR A LISTING OF DEPARTMENTS. Court-appointed counsel registries, rotation lists, or wheels on which attorneys are listed and from which they receive Court appointments.Legal aid organization which provides free or low cost legal services to persons with low incomes. The Order granting substitution of counsel should reference the docket code "OSOC", in the upper left corner and must include the Fla. The Office of Housing Advocacy helps address issues of affordable housing and landlord and tenant rights with a focus on providing resources. MiamiDade Family Court SelfHelp Program Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center 24th Floor, Room 2441. The Florida Supreme Court held that a trial court can choose to appoint a public defender's office or private counsel on appeal. If you are in need of free legal assistance and are a victim of domestic violence, please call 305-579-5733 ext. The Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office's primary mission is to protect, defend, uphold and enforce the criminal laws in the 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida. Cases filed in the civil division of the Clerk's Office fall either under the jurisdiction of County Court or Circuit Court.