CONSENT TO RETURN OF CHILD​​ I am a prospective adoptive parent and I presently have physical custody of the child. At North Oakland Michigan Divorce Law, our child custody lawyer will help you file the petition you need and walk you through the process.A judge, attorney referee, or nonattorney referee may conduct an emergency removal hearing. Read this article if you need an emergency order in family court, or if an ex parte order was entered against you and you want to object to it. Basically, you can get the forms from either the superior court in the county where your child (grandchild) lives or use the internet to find them. When determining custody the court will always make a decision on what is in the child's best interest. You must fill out the Ex-Parte Motion and Order for Paper Filing on an E-Filing Case (E-Filing Waiver) and explain to the court why you cannot e-file. If you plan to move children out of the area or change their educational or medical decisions, you must contact the mother first. Complete this section only if the child is placed out of state. To donate directly to the campaign, click here.