If you have been convicted of a crime because of ineffective assistance of counsel, one legal option is to file a motion for Ginther Hearing. We will dedicate ample time to preparing your appeal or ineffective assistance of counsel challenge, giving you the best chance at being successful.Did your defense attorney's ineffective counsel result in an unnecessarily harsh penalty? Contact attorney Frank E. Stanley at 616-773-2702. Ineffective assistance of appellate counsel is often difficult to show. Based on People v Ginther, 390 Mich 436 (1973), an evidentiary hearing on a defendant's motion for new trial claiming ineffective assistance of counsel. 2d 623, 628 (1987) (holding that a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel must be filed "in the appellate tribunal which considered the primary appeal."). In the case of a challenge to the sentence, the sentence is invalid. Many lawyers may hesitate to defend clients to the utmost degree through filing of 6500 motions of relief for judgment for ineffective lawyering. School Scholarship Repository.