Application Type: Full Time, Part Time (Must Have 3 years of prior full time service with the WCSO. At will position), Part Time Court Officer Position.Stachura was charged with three counts of child sexually abusive material possession and three counts of using a computer to commit a crime. The Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS) contains information about prisoners, parolees, and probationers who are currently under supervision. A recent case takes a look at an alleged false arrest for the failure to produce identification during an investigation. Lists of Parties of Concern, Country Guidance, Licensing, Enforcement, Add'l Programs, Lists of Parties of Concern, The Denied Persons List. The Parole Board is supposed to parole people who aren't going to re-offend. Suzette Marie Batson, 58, of Roseburg, is in Douglas County Jail on multiple charges after narcotics officers caught up with her on Monday. Generally, how you deal with the situation when a worker is incarcerated will probably have a lot to do with how long the employee will be away from work. Michigan's Prison Crisis.