Central Jersey Legal Services provides free legal aid to low-income families. County-Wide (732) 249-7600Central Jersey Legal Services is a nonprofit law firm that provides free legal assistance to low-income residents of Union, Middlesex, and Mercer Counties. This free service is provided to low-income people who need legal assistance but are unable to afford an attorney. Provides civil legal aid for lowincome individuals in Mercer, Middlesex, and Union counties. The New Jersey bar performs pro bono work for indigent litigants in cases where the legislature has made no provision for a public defender. The City Bar Justice Center's Legal Hotline offers legal information, advice and referrals to low-income New Yorkers who cannot afford a private attorney. For Help in Middlesex County: (732) 249-7600; For Help in Union County: (908) 354-4340. You can fill out the contact form here. Each Area Agency on Aging is required to have legal assistance programs for low-income individuals over age 60.