Flowers subsequently filed with this Court a petition for a writ of habeas corpus under 28. Rule 10 applies to discovery for delinquency proceedings, certification hearings and extended jurisdiction juvenile proceedings and prosecutions.Scope, Application and General Purpose. Case reports, free online sources, complaints and other pleadings, court records, divorce decree information on changing the law, judges' reversal rates. Even though we try to suggest materials that will be of help, further research is usually required to find a complete and correct answer. In the instant case, the petitioners filed numerous petitions seeking writs of habeas corpus 30 on behalf of the juveniles being held in facilities for adults. It is filled with practice tips, examples, notes, and caveats from practitioners on both sides of the bench, as well as judges. The system must also intervene in the lives of abused and neglected children who lack safe and nurturing environments. To respond to these complex issues,. Under Connecticut case law, habeas corpus is not a substitute for a direct appeal.