A writ of habeas corpus must be under the seal of the court, and substantially in the following form: "The State of Minnesota, to the Sheriff of, etc. The term habeas corpus comes from the Latin meaning "that you have the body" of the detainee brought before the court or tribunal.Donald P. Lay ; Title. The literal meaning of habeas corpus is "you should have the body". This appeal arises from a dispute of whether a Minnesota statute or a private contract required the county to pay attorney fees to JMW. Oaks, Legal History in the High Court Habeas Corpus, 64 MCH. This appeal arises from a dispute of whether a Minnesota statute or a private contract required the county to pay attorney fees to JMW. A definition of habeas corpus that includes the right to travel and embraces threats to liberty. LawHelp Interactive is a website that helps you fill out legal documents for free. In a recent decision, however, the Minnesota Court of Appeals has further clarified the definition of curtilage.