Under Nevada law, you can file a writ of mandamus if a state agency does not comply with state or federal law and you do not have any legal recourse. The writ must contain a mailing address for the judgment creditor.Below is a list of the civil district court forms that are available, free of charge, at the Civil Law Self-Help Center. This website lists forms available for use statewide. Any form on this site will be accepted in all circuit courts. A person entitled to physical custody of a child may make an ex parte application for an order of assistance to a court of any county. The Legal Forms Index contains a listing of forms found online as well as sample forms found at the Clark County Law Library. Forms specific to divorce, custody, annulment, guardianship, and name changes can be found under those sections in the Forms menu. This hearing is very important and may, as a practical matter, end the case. There is an automated interview for litigants filling out the Writ of Execution, the Writ of Garnishment, and Instructions.