File a custody petition and have your case heard in front of a Judge or court attorneyreferee or to have your case referred to mediation. Who May File a Petition for an Order of Custody?The person in custody's full name; The person in custody's Book and Case number; Full name and address of the facility where the person in custody is housed. Follow five steps while filing to avoid mistakes that can stall your New York custody case. The forms you need, how to serve papers, and more. Anyone can file a custody or visitation petition in Family Court. The general rule is that New York state courts have authority to hear a custody case if New York is considered your child's "home state. Next, the Server must fill out the Affidavit of Service in front of a Notary Public. You will file the application in the family court in the county your child resides in. According to New York law, when determining what is in the best interest of the child, proof of domestic violence is a factor that the judge must consider.