What do sole custody and joint custody mean? In North Carolina, the law gives judges in the district courts the right to decide w ho has custody of m inor children.Welcome to Legal Aid of North Carolina Get information on how to become a guardian and what qualifications one must meet to obtain guardianship. The CSS program provides the following services: location of noncustodial parents, paternity establishment for children born outside of marriage. You need to provide the local clerk of superior court with a petition asking to register the foreign court's order. In order to start a custody case, you need to file a custody complaint with the court in the county where the parent or the child resides. Call the prison where the offender is housed to schedule an appointment. For these reasons, among others, do not use this entire template as a handwritten fill-in-the blank form. Order a party to a child-custody proceeding or any person having physical custody of the child to appear in the proceeding with or without the child. (b).