To file a habeas action, send the court the following items: ▫ Your original, completed petition form. If you want to challenge a federal judgment that imposed a sentence to be served in the future, you should file a motion under 28 U.S.C. § 2255 in the federal.How Do I Fill Out the Form? There is an official form (Judicial Council Form HC-001) for filing a state petition for writ of habeas corpus. They must meet three requirements before filing a writ of habeas court petition. A Habeas Corpus Petition must be filed in federal court within one (1) year and 90 days after the Michigan Supreme Court's ruling (465 days). Others may want legal custody because it helps them maintain control over their children's lives in a way that physical custody doesn't allow for. All civil appeals from a lower court when filed in a higher court. (2) Administrative Review, Superintending Control, Extraordinary Writs. Petitioner filed an original writ of habeas corpus in the Court of Appeal, but that court denied the petition.