Find data on incarcerated individuals who are currently serving time in an Ohio prison, currently under department supervision, or judicially released. Learn about the rights and responsibilities of non-parent custodians and how to file for non-parent custody in Ohio.To contact the ODRC with questions or concerns regarding incarcerated persons, please fill out the contact form below. A petition for custody would be filed in the juvenile, family, or domestic relations Court with jurisdiction over the child, at the county level. In Ohio, there are 2 primary types of custody. Fill in the name of the Minor Child(ren) involved in this action OR the Plaintiff and Defendant as it appears on your papers. 4. This guide will discuss what the grounds for emergency custody in Ohio are, what emergency custody is, how to file for it, and what happens after filing. You can simply file a motion asking the court to modify the previous custody order. You will have to pay a filing fee and complete court-required forms. Has physical custody.