Habeas Corpus, in the Federal Court, is a petition that claims that you are being detained against your US constitutional rights. Contact an award-winning Writ of Habeas Corpus lawyer today.If you want to challenge your immigration detention or other immigration related issues, you should use the form Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus under 28. This Chapter discusses how the writ of habeas corpus is applied in three states: Florida, New York, and Michigan. A Writ of Habeas Corpus is a civil proceeding that is available in both State and Federal Court to challenge the legality of imprisonment. To challenge your conviction, speak with an OC criminal defense lawyer about a Writ of Habeas Corpus at (714) 530-9690. The Writ of Habeas Corpus protects prison inmates from false imprisonment to ensure people are not thrown into jail unlawfully. If you are filing this petition in the superior court, you only need to file the original unless local rules require additional copies. A federal writ of habeas corpus is a legal remedy available to state and federal prisoners who object to their detention or imprisonment. A person is only able to file a petition of habeas corpus if he or she is being detained or because one's freedom is restricted as the result of a conviction.