You should use this form if. This means you may seek a writ of mandamus, writ of prohibition, or a writ of habeas corpus directly from the Supreme Court of. Pennsylvania.Federal habeas corpus for state prisoners has often brought into con- flict two basic constitutional principles: a full and fair state trial for those. Habeas corpus, in other words, is a petition that asks the court to completely dismiss the charges against you over the Prosecutor's objection. You must fill in the name of the state where the judgment was entered. All original non-e-filed documents are to be unbound. This subchapter establishes a post conviction procedure for 14 providing relief from convictions obtained and sentences imposed 15 without due process of law. A habeas petition is used when one is contesting the validity of their sentence or conviction. Authors. Editors ; Publication Date. § 2254 habeas corpus petition in the E.D. PA. if it is deemed timely filed under the AEDPA and if he has exhausted his claims.