Ineffective assistance of counsel appeals are not limited only to claims that the attorney did not perform well during the trial. This law, called the Post Conviction Relief Act (PCRA), requires you to file a petition with the court, asking to appeal your conviction.You will be precluded from asserting ineffective assistance of counsel concerning all proceedings in which you represent yourself. Claims of ineffective assistance of counsel are among the most common claims under the PCRA. There must be a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the counsel's ineffective assistance which would cause a false confession. There must be a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the counsel's ineffective assistance which would cause a false confession. Nearly every federal criminal defendant will be found guilty, whether pursuant to a plea agreement or a trial. Post-Sentence Ineffectiveness Assistance of Trial Counsel Claims. No one ever expects to be in a situation where they need a criminal lawyer. Lay out the facts of your case, focusing on the actions (or inactions) of your attorney that you believe constituted ineffective assistance.