(Name, address and telephone number of all counsel of record and unrepresented parties. You will need one copy of the civil complaint with original signature for the magisterial district judge.You will be precluded from asserting ineffective assistance of counsel concerning all proceedings in which you represent yourself. A PCRA hearing is basically a mini-trial, where our goal is to get you a new trial because the errors in your original trial caused you to be wrongly convicted. If you are indigent, you may be able to contact the clerk of courts at your local courthouse to ask for a form PCRA petition. Ineffective assistance of counsel is the most common basis for filing a PCRA petition. If counsel fails to file a timely appeal or post-trial motion, one is entitled to relief. Said relief would include reinstatement of appellate rights. The trial court held an evidentiary hearing on the defendant's motion. Such leave shall be granted only upon motion made and served on the.