The Writ of Habeas Corpus demands that requires a prisoner must go before the court to determine if there is lawful authority to detain the prisoner. A Writ of Habeas Corpus is a motion which is filed most frequently to ensure that a Defendant's imprisonment or detention is not illegal.Our Phoenix criminal lawyer concludes his series on the Arizona habeas corpus process. Contact our attorney if you have questions. This is an important way to show the federal court that you have tried every single way to get out of detention before asking the federal judge to get involved. Habeas corpus is a procedural device to bring child custody matters before a court. This guide is for people who want to file a habeas lawsuit but do not have an attorney to help them do so. The legal rights of the prisoner are central. Petition For Writ Of Habeas Corpus By A Person In State Custody Pursunat To 28 USC (Non Death Penalty) Form. The HC in the second example tells you that this is a habeas corpus case.