An experienced lawyer can handle it as it needs to be handled. A petition for Writ of habeas corpus is not a do-it-yourself item.To file a prolonged detention habeas petition, you must argue that the U.S.. Constitution itself requires that you be give a bond hearing before an Immigration. Habeas corpus is a kind of petition that you can file in federal court to claim that your imprisonment violates federal law. The Writ of Habeas Corpus demands that requires a prisoner must go before the court to determine if there is lawful authority to detain the prisoner. This Chapter explains the writ of habeas corpus and lays out the procedures you will need to follow to petition for the writ. When a person petitions for a writ of habeas corpus in a custody matter, the technical legal rights of a parent are not central. A Writ of Habeas Corpus is a motion which is filed most frequently to ensure that a Defendant's imprisonment or detention is not illegal. Instructions: How to Fill Out the 'Petition to Enforce a. Child Custody Order' and Other Court Papers. 3. 4. DREHC11p.