Habeas corpus is a procedural device to bring child custody matters before a court. A court can issue emergency child custody orders restricting or eliminating a parent's right to spend time with his or her children.An Arizona Attorney may file a writ of habeas corpus early in a defendant's case if there is a concern that they are being held without bond. If the court grants the writ of habeas corpus, it may schedule a hearing to determine the child's custody or visitation arrangements. Special Writs, Orders to Show Cause, and Habeas Corpus. Arizona Revised Statutes AnnotatedLocal Rules of Practice Superior Court. In this enlightening video, we dive into the intricate world of child custody and the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Family Law Form Fl 311 Fill Out Printable PDF Forms Online. Responding to a Petition for Custody Parenting Time and Child Form. Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act and replace habeas corpus procedures that may previously have been used in some jurisdictions.