(1) You must legibly handwrite or type this petition and sign it under penalty of perjury. Category Representing Yourself (Pro Se).The Habeas Corpus petition claims the arrest, sentence, or trial violated constitutional law, making imprisonment unlawful. Appendix B provides a checklist you can refer to when putting together your federal habeas corpus petition. This article addresses a defendant's right to file a federal petition for a writ of habeas corpus from a conviction in a state court. A Habeas Corpus Writ is filed with a federal court once the defendant's state appellate remedies have been exhausted. Such petitions can be filed if a defendant has been convicted in a New York state court as well as for defendants convicted in a federal court. If you are filing this petition in the superior court, you only need to file the original unless local rules require additional copies. 212-300-3845. Queens Habeas Corpus Petitions. What kind of issues can be raised in a habeas corpus petition?