If you need a judge to make an order as soon as possible due to an emergency, you can file a request for a temporary emergency order. Request for Order (Ex Parte Emergency).If you have an emergency and need emergency temporary orders you may consider filing an Ex Parte Request for. Order. There must be an actual safety and danger issue concerning the child for the court to modify any custody arrangement on an emergency basis. We can help get an emergency custody order, restraining order or a order of protection without the stress and in many cases within hours. This video is a step-by-step guide to filing an exporter. If you would like to begin the process of opening a new child support case, please visit the link to the state website: California Child Support Services. While delays and wait times may be acceptable for run-of-the-mill matters, emergency situations regarding child custody require an immediate court hearing. 1. Fill out your court forms. The Sheriff's Court Services Division serves as an officer of the court.