Free legal aid organization that assists low-income clients with civil legal problems such as debt collection, bankruptcy, and probate. The following forms are utilized in applying for and receiving a waiver of court fees pursuant to California Rule of Court, rule 3.50-3.58 - external link.Your court fees may be waived if: You are receiving public benefits such as Medi-Cal, Food Stamps, General Assistance, Cal-Works, SSI, SSP, etc. There are many free or lowcost legal service options for residents in the Gold Country. The main options are through legal assistance programs. A pro bono panel attorney seeking to recover out-of-pocket expenses must complete a simple form for advance approval of all expenditures. Legal Services of Northern California 517 - 12th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Voice: (916) 551-2150 Fax: (916) 551-2195 For more information, read the Sacramento County Public Law Library's article: Legal Document Assistants. Capital Pro Bono provides free assistance with civil legal matters to lowincome residents of the Sacramento region. We offer a range of forms, templates, and guides for people without attorneys, on topics like transferring real estate and simple court procedures.