Learn more about amended pleadings, discovery, assistance and glossary, attachment, post judgement, default judgment, and venue. A writ of assistance is the legal term for a court's written instructions to an officer of the law, such as an order to evict a tenant from their home.Placing these items on the form would make it obvious to law firms that the information is needed and would save our members countless. An aid in the collection of a judgment is the Court Order for Appearance of Judgment Debtor, (commonly known as an ORAP). A Writ of Execution allows the victim to attach the defendant's income or personal assets. A writ of assistance is an order directing that a party convey, deliver, or turn over a deed, document, or right of ownership. 1. Wait to see how your tenant responds After your tenant is served the Summons and Complaint forms, they have 5 days to file a response with the court. Respondent SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TRANSITIONAL ASSISTANCE. Each year, more than 1,000,000 children in the United. The party who prevailed in the trial court is the "real party in interest.