If you have a child support case open in the state where you live and the noncustodial parent lives in Oklahoma, we may be asked to enforce your court order. A writ is filed in the county where the child is being held, and typically in the case that awarded you custody.Enroll for child support, access case online, locate noncustodial parents, establish parentage, pay child support, free legal help, resources for families. The Family Law Facilitator's Office (FLF) provides help at no cost and answers family law questions for people who do not have legal representation. Use the application for child support services link below to access this form. The blank form may be downloaded to your computer or it may be completed online. Download and print child support forms, including income declarations, referrals, balance disputes, and others. In child custody cases, parents or guardians can use the writ of habeas corpus to contest the legality of custody arrangements. Writs of habeas corpus are typically used when you have one party who is unlawfully detaining children away from the other party. Should I File a Writ Of Habeas Corpus If the Child's Parent Is Wrongfully Keeping the Child?