The Family Law Facilitator's Office (FLF) provides help at no cost and answers family law questions for people who do not have legal representation. Electronic Writ Declaration - The Electronic Writ Declaration is only required for Earnings Withholding Order services.The basic procedure for a Writ of Administrative Mandamus is as follows: 1. Request the Administrative Record. 2. A) Go to the Clerk of Court where your case was heard and request a WRIT OF EXECUTION and fill out the form completely. The following links provide information on California state court procedures and motions, with the focus on cases in San Diego. Call 1-877-534-2524 to see if you qualify. At our self-help clinics, we can help anyone of any income level. A Petition for a Writ of Administrative Mandamus is a request that a Superior Court review and reverse the final decision or order of an administrative agency. To have costs and interest added to the amount owed, you must file and serve a Memorandum of Costs After Judgment (MC-012).