You can get a referral to a lawyer or legal aid group from the Local Bar Association in Santa Clara County. Their phone number is 669-302-7803 .We provide legal advice and representation to the County, including the Board of Supervisors and all County agencies and departments. For more information or to make an appointment call (408) 280-2420, visit the Law Foundation's website, or have your health care provider send in a referral. For help with a legal problem involving Housing, Public Benefits, or Consumer Law, please call our Legal Advice Line for assistance. Public Defender Main Office 120 West Mission Street San Jose, CA 95110 Phone: (408) 299-7700 View on map Lawyers in the Library Program connects volunteer attorneys with community members. It is a FREE legal advice service. If you are an attorney, either SCCBA member or non-member, interested in joining our Lawyer Referral Program, please contact us at 408.971. Santa Clara County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service.