The Legal Information for Oklahoma initiative seeks to collect, organize, and promote access to resources related to the Oklahoma legal system. A writ of assistance is an order directing that a party convey, deliver, or turn over a deed, document, or right of ownership.A writ of habeas corpus is a legal tool that a person can use to enforce a superior right of possession to a child. Through undersigned counsel and pursuant to Article 11.071 of the Texas Code of. TO THE HONORABLE DISTRICT JUDGE ELIA CORNEJO LOPEZ: Applicant Manuel Velez is currently confined on death row at the Texas Department of. The proceeds from the sale go to the debt owed to the creditor. There is no guarantee it will be granted, but it might be better to file without paying and also request a hearing. The Instructions for Completing the Orders – currently under the Temporary Ex Parte Order form – apply to all orders, including the MOEP. For a list of current rental assistance programs, click here. We will fill out the exact forms and papers you need.