Need free or lowcost legal help? Our list of legal hotlines, clinics, aid organizations, and other resources can help you find assistance.The assistance of counsel is one of the safeguards of the Sixth Amendment deemed necessary to insure fundamental human rights of life and liberty. This article explains some basic steps to take when asking for a courtappointed attorney in a criminal law case. If a defendant's lawyer does not meet the standard of effectiveness under Texas law, this is a ground for appeal and possible reversal of the jail sentence. Criminal defendants have a Sixth Amendment right to counsel and that right is guaranteed regardless of the defendant's ability to pay. This research guide includes information and resources on ineffective assistance of counsel in criminal cases. Counsel is ineffective when "a. The resources listed below are not exhaustive and may not include the most up-to-date information. This article explains how to apply for legal aid, laying out the steps to help you get the assistance you need.