To get a stay, you must file an "Application for Stay of Execution of Writ of Restitution. Civil Procedure §12-1148.10A.The programs launched in February 2021 and closed in the summer of 2023. You can file anything you like, but the bottom line is that you are responsible for paying your rent on time, not some assistance program. The TEDP is a voluntary program that permits eligible landlords and tenants to agree upon a resolution to the issues raised in an eviction case. The Emergency Rental Assistance program provides funding for government entities to assist households unable to pay rent or utilities. A Motion to Stay a Writ of Possession is a document that a resident files with the court which has the result of "staying" or "stopping" an eviction action. If the guest is not evicted in the 75 days, then you will have to file a new (or "alias") writ. Remember, the U.S. Marshals must be present during the eviction. If you're having trouble paying rent, there may be assistance available through nonprofits or government programs.