A person may petition an appellate court for extraordinary relief referred to in Rule 65B of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure. Habeas corpus proceedings.I am trying to file a writ of habeas corpus for my brother that is incarcerated in wayne county jail. I need help filling it out. This petition, called a writ of Habeas Corpus, is filed in Federal Court (US District Court ) whether you are serving time in a federal or state prison. The following information is intended to provide guidance on how to successfully file a new civil or miscellaneous case in the District of Utah. A person may petition the court for extraordinary relief on any of the grounds set forth in paragraph (b) (involving wrongful restraint on personal liberty). To file a habeas corpus petition, you must prepare a written request to a court or judge, known as a writ of habeas corpus. Generally, anyone detained or imprisoned can file a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in the United States. Writ of Continuing Garnishment ORS or DWS, RTF, NO. Writ of Garnishment Non Wage, RTF, SOMETIMES.