See Part B(2)(a) of this Chapter for a discussion of the standard under which a court will examine ineffective assistance of trial counsel. Application for the Court to Request Counsel -- habeas corpus case.Contains Fields to Complete on-line (print out for filing). Instructions Regarding Model CPL 440.10 (1) (h) Ineffective Assistance of. The court's website has an e-Pro Se page that helps pro se litigants fill out complaints, but the complaints are submitted on paper. Attorney Grievance Committees are authorized to investigate, review, and prosecute complaints of attorney misconduct within the Fourth Judicial Department. Generally, the only avenue for the writ of errors Coram Nobis is now to argue ineffective assistance of counsel at the appellate level. Federal Strickland standard in evaluating claims of ineffective assistance of trial counsel. May send a money order or check made out to "Clerk, United States District Court. The Federal Court found that allegations of counsel incompetence were not well founded in the following situations: failing to call a witness.